Holistic medicine excels where conventional medicine falls short, and vice versa. Conventional (i.e. Allopathic) Medicine tends to view the body as a complex machine and forgets about the body’s own healing abilities. Conventional medicine is wonderful for the fields of pathology, radiology, tests such as bloodwork, surgery, all of which we utilize. But this approach separates the individual from the disease and ignores emotions, lifestyle, diet, stress and the innate ability for the body to fight off disease.
Learn about your pet’s health and wellness from leading experts in the field of holistic veterinary medicine.
Pet owners need a reliable, educated, quality information source for pet care. Naturopawthic courses are where pet owners can learn more about being an active partner in their pet's health and wellness. Naturopathic medicine combines conventional medicine with natural healing modalities to create the best medicine. Our Naturopawthic Courses teach pet owners about using this approach.
“Dr. T has taken care of both my dogs for over eight years. I know she has made a big difference in their quality of life. I am also always positive that my dog is her favorite, but I am pretty sure all of her patients feel the same way. There is always a gentler way to care for our pet’s health and she always finds it.”
“Dr. T and the entire office staff are very patient and pleasant to interact with. Always a pleasure seeing them and they treat my cat with lots and lots of love and care.”