…was created so that women in veterinary medicine can create the thriving, sustainable, joyful life they deserve. As a profession full of burnout and depression, we need to come together to identify the root causes so that as a collective we can heal as individuals to be able to heal our profession. Women make up 80% of the field, it is time that we stood up and made the rules that we require to live and practice with ease.
As vets, we expect perfection in ourselves. You can deny it, but it’s true. It’s who we are.
If we can soften the idea of progress and not perfection, it helps us to see a future where women are supported and actively creating the lives that they want.
The Women's Veterinary Collective invites you to join us, passionate women in veterinary medicine!
Sharing your personal stories will identify where we can create positive change, together.
Veterinarians everywhere are struggling. It can be difficult to know where to go to get support and guidance on how to make the changes you so desperately need.
Or, perhaps you are super happy in vet med and want to make more friends in a judge-free zone. This is for you as well.
As a community, we will explore all aspects of our lives within and outside of veterinary medicine. By gaining clarity on what we want in our lives we can take the steps to make changes for good. Ultimately, we will be able to live happier and healthy lives.